Month: January 2009

Ladder To The Sun

A long time ago my friend Paul Becker wrote some lyrics and sent them to me in an email. They kind of buzzed around in my head for awhile, until one day inspiration struck and I turned it into a song. I didn’t spend a lot of time on it, I just cut a passable Ladder To The Sun

Ogg Vorbis

Slashdot has a very interesting article regarding Ogg Vorbis: “Mozilla has given the Wikimedia foundation $100,000 to fund Ogg development. The reason is simple: ‘Open standards for audio and video are important because they can be used by anyone for any purpose without royalties, and can be inspected and improved by an open community. Today, Ogg Vorbis

The Bandwidth Hog

This site is a BANDWIDTH HOG. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO HELP OFFSET OUR BANDWIDTH COSTS. Even one dollar would help, and if you donate anything at all I will include your name in the forthcoming Dave Ryder Hall Of Fame (FTW!) BTW, the Bandwidth Hog (which many local readers may recognize as Sweetmeat, the mascot The Bandwidth Hog

Happy birthday me

Here I am hours before my 44th birthday. Hmmmm I don’t feel like an old man.