
Hi, I'm Dave Ryder. I record music at my studio, Lame Dog Studio. I own the Indie record label Lame Dog Records. I live in Catawissa, MO (in a home I built on 5 acres) with my wonderful wife Torri and my awesome son Muggy. I guess I'm about the luckiest guy in the world, I get to spend most of my days with my son (he's my best friend) and I play and record music with my band at night. I thank God every day to be so blessed :)

New Feedburner Syndication (RSS)

If you look to the right you will see that I have implemented Feedburner here on the old el website – it should help me keep track of the number of readers better, so if you have a minute sign up for the RSS feed – it’s very quick and easy (if you already subscribe New Feedburner Syndication (RSS)

Happy Birthday Q

Dan the man and I celebrated his birthday the 22nd (by drinking many beers and jamming at his home studio), so I thought I’d extend our best wishes to Dan here on teh internets – who BTW plays bass, guitar, keyboards and harmonica (and sings, too – oh yeah he’s a regular one man band). Happy Birthday Q

Happy Birthday Don (and Miles)

Don Xavier Cole’s birthday is today, and tomorrow it is Miles Davis’ birthday, which seems appropriate as they are both badass trumpet players. In fact, I can’t speak highly enough of Don in regards to his piano and trumpet playing, and his creativity because although the band shares song writing credit on most of our Happy Birthday Don (and Miles)

XKCD and automatic wordpress backups

I love XKCD. This comic especially struck my funny bone: Also I wanted to mention that I installed the Il Filosofo Automatic WordPress Database Backup Plugin (whew that’s a mouthful) a while back, and it’s working perfectly. Everyday at around 3:00 PM I get an email with my WordPress database attached as a MySQL file. XKCD and automatic wordpress backups

Registration Blacklist Plugin

Today I installed the Registration Blacklist Plugin by Scott Horne. I kept getting a new user registration (sometimes several per day) from komatoz.net emails, but the site is clearly not interested in music, it is spammer city, those bastards (shakes fist). It allows you to add domains and emails that you want to ban from Registration Blacklist Plugin

Smart Archives and Exec-PHP

I installed Justin Blanton’s Smart Archive WordPress plugin today for my archives page. However, if you want to run PHP code from within a WP Page you have to install a plugin to allow WordPress to execute the code (why? uh, I dunno. you just have to.). So, I found the Exec-PHP plugin by Sören Smart Archives and Exec-PHP

Recording session

The entire band got together yesterday for a marathon recording session, and the results are pretty spectacular. I just finished listening to some of the raw, barely mixed playbacks and wow the guys were really on their game. Billy Clark has a new rig that had everybody raving about the tone and I guess savageness Recording session

This pirate is cool!

Since I am setting up the new photo galleries as well as reinstalling my old gallery from the old daveryder.com, I’ve been looking through a LOT of photos. And because I haven’t really said much about the biggest joy in my life – my son Muggy), I thought I would post a scary pirate photo. This pirate is cool!

WordPress Sociable Plugin

I added Joost de Valk’s Sociable Plugin today. It is MOST excellent. I just thought I’d share that with you. Ok I’m sorry that was a really weak pun. Cartman would just kick me in the nuts…but seriously, it works ,was easy to install and looks nice. He shoots he SCORES!