As most of you know the Dave Ryder Band website is undergoing a drastic overhaul, but there is enough interesting stuff up and working to make it worth your time to check it out . Don't try clicking the MP3 links found in the download page or the Albums page, the few songs that are listed got truncated during the uploads - I will probably be able to fix that sometime this week.
Anyway I just got the archives page up, which is a good place to start - you can see the titles of the posts and pick out stuff that interest you.
Also clicking the pirate on the website will explain our new copyright philosophy (or just click here):

And before I forget you are receiving this newsletter because you were either:
- A subscriber to the old newsletter, or
- Someone I email occasionally anyway.
So if you don't want to receive anymore of these, just click the unsubscribe link in the footer and you will not get anymore (and you can piss off cause that means you ain't my buddy no more) .
So about 3 weeks ago I threatened to send out this test email, but never did - but this is the first one and I'm interested in the formatting, etc. I use thunderbird but I'm sure a lot of you use Outlook or have web based email like yahoo or gmail, so if you notice anything funny or weird going on I'd appreciate if you let me know about it. Hell I would like to know if you even received it. Just send me an email that says, "yep I got it" if you dont mind.
Oh and if you don't have a copy of our latest CD Brightest Skies, include your address and I'll mail you one free of charge. Cus that's how I roll.
So I'll try to send these out oh maybe once a month or so, but you know me you may not see another one for much longer than that, and on that note I'll leave you with this hilarious bash quote (warning if you are offended by idiots texting graphic simulate sex messages, do not click that link.)
So long everyone, remember X=4
Dave Ryder