Hello Everyone,
I hope you and your family had a very Happy holiday season! I am so lame, I didn't send any Christmas cards (but then, I never do so that's no big surprise), but I did finally get around to making my annual Ryder Family Christmas Card Extravaganza (which I do every year).
It's only 15 days after Christmas, so that's not too bad for me haha! Plus, as an added bonus I did the Spooky Halloween Muggy Card featuring the awesomeness of our very own Muggy Bear (much applause and cheering for the Muggy, who BTW is really doing well in school AND heath-wise, thank you God).
So I've been even busier than usual (I know, who hasn't been?), but there are some cool things going on at the website I wanted to let you know about, so I'll just make a nice little unordered list of them:
- Wrote an article about Old Bend Bridge
- Updated the Downloads Page, which now has a BUTTLOAD of MP3s free for the taking, all nicely organized
- Posted a cool (but sad) Christmas song that Don, Kent and I wrote called "Christmas Time"
- And finally, I've got the RSS feature of the site working properly, so although I know most of you already are getting the RSS feed (I've already got over 80+ readers!) if you're not signed up for the feed, just go to daveryder.com to get it. If you aren't sure what the heck an RSS Feed is, just go here - it explains all the geeky techno goodness

- Oh yeah, there's a Forum up at the site now, with a list of funny rules and a hilarious post about Dog Souls that somebody emailed me but now I forget who....anyway, register and post up some funny shit bitches (sorry about the bitches thing, I just got a little carried away there)
So thats all I guess, I'll just finish this holiday newsletter up by sticking in this picture of Snoopy and Woodstock that I mashed up from two separate sources (yay mash):

Merry Christmas from Dave!