
<p>Involving Dave Ryder Music</p>

The Bandwidth Hog

This site is a BANDWIDTH HOG. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO HELP OFFSET OUR BANDWIDTH COSTS. Even one dollar would help, and if you donate anything at all I will include your name in the forthcoming Dave Ryder Hall Of Fame (FTW!) BTW, the Bandwidth Hog (which many local readers may recognize as Sweetmeat, the mascot The Bandwidth Hog

Happy birthday me

Here I am hours before my 44th birthday. Hmmmm I don’t feel like an old man.

The art of soldering

As a friend pointed out to me recently, most people are rotten at soldering (you know who are are, gloppy blobbers). I am included among the lame solderers, and decided to say “bullshit – this is a skill I can acquire”, so my first stop, as usual, was wikipedia. Their article, while informative, was not The art of soldering

The humor of GNU GPL

Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision’ (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. [signature of Ty Coon], 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice