Laptop hell – Randall’s on a freakin’ roll!

The sysadmin has a Q2010, and I can attest that it can handle a fall down several flight of concrete steps.  Relatedly, he's upset with me -- I hope he doesn't take revenge by messing with my site's contenDISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
[here’s the mouseover text for our RSS readers: “The sysadmin has a Q2010, and I can attest that it can handle a fall down several flight of concrete steps. Relatedly, he’s upset with me — I hope he doesn’t take revenge by messing with my site’s contenDISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS]

Ok that is brilliant, and I literally laughed out loud – I’m just thankful I wasn’t taking a drink of coffee when I read the mouseover text, or it would’ve been new keyboard time. Randall is definitely on a roll (XKCD)

There are some similar themes at – do a search for blood ninja and you will either die laughing or be so offended you’ll never read my blog again. Oh well, you rolls the dice and yous takes your chances….uh, just for the record try to remember that this blog, and a lot of the stuff I link to is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, so don’t bitch to me you have been warned. Now I put on my robe and wizard hat….

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