The Dream by Brandon Elliot (and me)

I followed this guy on twitter the other day @brandonrofl, and checked out his blog Brandon Writes The Wrongs.

Turns out he writes poetry, and when I read one of his poems called The Dream I thought to myself, “that could be turned into a pretty cool song”. I was sitting by my Korg at the time that had an eerie piano with an arp patch happening, and hit a couple of chords and sang the first line of the poem and went, “whoa” – it happened that easily and that fast.

6 hours later (at 4am!) I was mostly done, and today I polished it up and sent it to him. He liked it 🙂 and blogged about it, so I thought I would too, cos it’s actually a groovus laid back tune that I digs quite a lot:

Download it: The Dream (mp3, 320kbps, 4:25 duration, 10.1MB)

Here is a pic I took while recording it, with a little more info in the margins (click it to see full size):
My studio during The Dream recording session

Oh yeah, he turned the song and his lyrics into a video, too (did I mention how talented this guy is?):

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